Cheric Agro Allied Resources Enterprises was granted a certificate of registration by the Corporate Affairs Commission under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 to carry out agro allied services and general contracts on 20 October 2021. Our poster product was Flourish Premium Rice which was birthed on 28 November 2021. We farm, harvest, mill and process indigenous rice of special seeds. Also, we grow, plant, nurture and set up farms for a variety of plants, including hybrid palm trees, special breed coconut, ehuru (African nutmeg), Our flagship product was Flourish Premium Rice which was launched on 28 November 2021. We farm, harvest, mill and process locally grown rice with special seeds. castor plants. We work with both individual clients and agro-based investors. We have been tested and trusted as our products are there to speak for our professional expertise.
We offer two varieties of coconut seedlings (dwarf and hybrid varieties ready for shipping nationwide)
The hybrid palm trees is a flowering plant species in the palm family, Arecaceae, cultivated for its edible sweet fruit.
One hundred or more different varieties of plantain grow deep in the African rainforests.
Unique species on our farm
Acres of Land
vegetables from FreshDirect. Our farms deliver to us daily, ensuring you only eat the best of what's in season
We farm, harvest, mill and process indigenous rice of special seeds
We have water for irrigation in all our farm lands
We have been tested and trusted as our products are there to speak for our professional expertise.
We farm, harvest, mill and process indigenous rice of special seeds.
We deliver the best quality agricultural products to the market